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Here’s the ‘HOW TO’ to get your dreams
A five minute podcast
Inspired by my middle son’s, Luke,brilliant video that suddenly appeared on Facebook and reminded me of how we don’t need to know the ‘HOW‘ before we embark in succeeding in getting our dreams to come into fruition- The how, the process, the way we’re going to achieve our dreams. This not knowing and seemingly needed how we are going to get our dreams stops so many from starting and ultimately stops the achieving, experiencing the success in it’s tracks and guess what?
You can search Luke video and I’ll also give you example of mine where I, Joseph (my youngest son) have reached our goals without the faintest idea of knowing the how before we started.
So what do you need then?
Simply a burning desire to create and achieve your dream/goal/outcome and be prepared to do whatever it takes and use the tools I share here in these podcasts and the FREE Hypnosis tracks.
When you understand the WHY, the why this dream/goal/outcome is important to you, the value and what achieving it means to you then the HOW will appear ;0) The old ‘cloughie’ guarantee that you will experience serendipity, inspiring coincidences and simply get lucky.
We’ll go deeper into this subject in the longer podcasts
In the meantime
Shine brightly
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About The Author: Admin
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