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Let’s get ready – to succeed – a 5 minute podcast

If you’re like me we can kid ourselves into thinking we have taken time out for deep thinking or attending to an issue when really we have only given it lip service and white washed over it. I know I do this because as I was writing in my journal this morning I told myself this and I knew what I had written was true. It was the best kick up the pants I’ve had for a long time.

But something more came from this metaphorical kick up the bum – I was reminded of a process I developed when I was in a dark place that really turned my corner and I was also reminded of how I could adapt this process for this very situation. A BIG shout out to my unconscious mind, my best friend, for coming to my aid just when I needed – As always 😉

So let me share with you this experience and the process to come out of it. I really believe this will help you achieve what you want in life – Yep I know, another big statement – but it’s true

Shine brightly

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