It’s not always about adding that makes the difference – podcast

Got a great story for you, a metaphor that might make you think and is a great intro into what we are discussing today.

Let’s have a fresh look at where we are, where we have come from and how we’re going in getting to that place(s)
We’ll also be ‘De-hypnotizing’ as a way of clearing a bit of ‘stuff’ – ‘stuff’ that’s still holding you back.

It’s like cleaning the lenses which we experience our current world, our current reality and when we do we get to see, hear and feel (as well as taste and smell) the things we missed. Let’s colour and enrich our world with what’s already there but we seemed to have missed it and now we don’t.

Let me chat to you on ways you can begin this and begin to understand what is holding us back and the unconscious intention. When we understand intentions we can begin to find alternative ways to keep the unconscious intention and create what we want in our life. You may need our old friend ‘Jenny’ journal as one way and I’ll also remind you of many others

Shine brightly
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