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Let’s get rid of fear – Easily

A personal development Unplugged podcast

Yep Let’s dive into fear/anxiety/worry and find a couple of easy – I really do mean easy – ways you can use right now to reduce that negative feeling and get to see a way forward.

That seems a BIG claim but it isn’t if you are prepared to do whatever it takes and that starts by simply listening to this podcast and you will get to understand that theses emotions and behaviours have a positive intent – even if it doesn’t feel that way.

I’ll tell you about a couple of times in my past where I felt a horrible fear and how I learnt how to use the intention to find a way to overcome the fear by learning from it and not pushing against it. I also understood how my unconscious mind used fear to help me and when I learnt how to access other emotions and behaviours and take aligned and congruent action.

Sometimes, maybe always, when we experience fear we need distance. We can float out above the bubble we were in and see the problem/issue for what it really is and ways we can begin to use the intention to deal with the issue.

This all starts by acknowledging the way you feel, not accepting it but acknowledging it and here’s where our ‘Jenny’ journal comes into play. Let’s get things out of our roundabout of our mind and onto paper.

When you’ve done that I will go through to lovely processes that will firstly give you distance and you find the feeling….. well you’ll find out. Secondly another simple (in simplicity there is genius) to literally flip fear on it’s head and change it to an empowering way of feeling. With both processes you will be able to find ways that you can use to resolve the issue and this time with the support of your aligned unconscious mind. By the way these processes just work

I have recorded these two processes seperatley, so once you have listened to the whole podcast you can set your state, your intention and give your self permission to go through each process with your desired outcome.

You may want to make notes in your ‘jenny’ journal of the questions I suggest you ask of your unconscious mind to get the inspired actions.

To get these processes and use again the setting your state and your outcome hypnosis sessions at paulcloughonline.com/podcast

Let me know the results from your use of the coaching sessions and what you learnt and recorded – I’d love you to share so we can share these with others (anonymously if you want) use the contact form on the right or email me at paul@paulclough.co.uk

Shine brightly

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