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More special words – CTBW
a five minute podcast
Four words that may just change your problems or issues
A throw away line from a really nice guy, Ed Latimer, speaking on the Jordon Harbinger show (a podcast) and four little words that lit up my mind from what’s the worst that can happen and flying off into the future and imagining all the things that haven’t happened.
What were these 4 special words? ‘Could this be worse?‘ and they bring you right back into the now becasue the worst hasn’t happened and you can see things for what they really are and allow you also ask ‘what can do to make it better!‘. Now you can form a outcome and take intuitive ACTION! And to ensure you also eliminate overwhelm write down your thoughts so you can work out a way and learn without it swirling around in your mind. ‘What is the smallest baby step I can do now to resolve this?‘ Then it’s just a matter of using those 5 keys to success we discussed in an earlier podcast. Side note to you – If you want to be able to search through all the back episodes get the app ‘Castbox’. It’s completely free and you can subscribe there to ;0) end of note
It’s amazing what we can learn and use from throw aways when we are curious
I know your time is valuable and if you do want to help grow this integrated field of learning please do keepon sharing this or any other of your favorite episodes
Shine brightly
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About The Author: Admin
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