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Curiously interesting – in others and YOU

A five minute quickie podcast

I want to find a bit more about you and the curious thing that happened during this podcast is that the questions I pose began to be answered by me in a way I didn’t expect.

So I have 4 questions I want to share which can challenge us and to make us work to find the answers by going inside. The thing is you have to be genuinely curious to find the answer. They all start if someone (Or YOU) ask a difficult question of you and you would like to know what’s behind the meaning of that question.

Yes this is a little confusing until you listen and find that you can communicate at a deeper level. You may need your ‘Jenny’ journal to dive in deeper into your thoughts and learn more than you expect. This, if you practice will become an immensely powerful habit and tool. How far will you take it? :0)

Shine brightly

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