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Let’s laugh now before we look back – the podcast>

Let’s feel good and look forward so we don’t have to wait to look back and laugh. Yes I’ve created another hypnosis track that incorporates the process I discuss.

Have you ever had a stressful even in your past that you said something like “it was the best thing that ever happened to me” yet at the time of the event it really didn’t feel that great – How does that happen and does it do anything for you after the event when you most needed something at the time? Let’s have a look.

I’ll share some of my stressful events and their results and explore how we can create a better result and feel better and not so stressful at the time. “Really Paul you can do that?” Yep I think so and like I said I’ve created a free hypnosis track to boot ;0)

Come with me on what was my adventure and discover a process you can use to not only get you out of that stressful and anxious situation but to use in the getting of you goals. It’s a lovely process you can use as it is or adapt it to your own special ways. It’s also a simple process that simply just works. Could you want anything more?

I’m not going through the process here because it’s hear for you to here and then use – right? So come with me to learn from your future to effect your present now.

Shine brightly

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If you want to access my FREE HYPNOSIS tracks go to paulcloughonline.com/podcast

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