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And I thought this was going to be boring

I really got into this podcast so much that five minutes became 12
Slowing down to speed up is the subject and twinned with wanting what we want right now. It seems we want to rush from here to there and when we do we miss out on the adventure that’s in between.

We start with memory muscle, using our body, our muscles to speed up by slowing down. Practice make Permanent (not perfect ) and slow practice makes unconscious permanence. It’s a fact! and it makes the things we want to get good at easy and then faster than we could imagine – Oh happy DaZe 😉

Add to this Getting into the right state (yep I know I’ve been bangin’ on about this forever) and setting the right intention ( yep bangin’ on about this too). Now here’s the thing – what would it be like if we practiced these slowly (NOT rushing) so we get them in the muscle, I love that, getting the process ‘IN THE MUSCLE’ we begin to start getting what we want to achieve or solve automatically. This is simply the best way of creating your reality and dreams. It will put you in a place where you simply just get your results that you want and seem just get lucky.

When you do this you become the change you want to be in yourself and the change that you want for others. Hey let’s share this and when you do the ripples of change will go further that you could ever imagine.

I have made hypnosis and NLP tracks for you to learn both seeing your state and intention – go to paulcloughonline.com/podcast

Shine brightly

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