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Focus, harmony and misdirection
The Personal Development Unplugged Podcast
With a Inner Mastermind Group Hypnosis track
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Focus is a great tool for our personal development providing you don’t lose sight of the big picture. We need a harmony between the two.
I’ll tell you a little story how too focused can allow you to be misdirected and believe in magic.
This, being totally focused, can be a way we lose track of our goals because we get trapped in the detail and don’t see how and when we get off track. in effect allowing ourselves to be misdirected.
Let me explain ways in which we can get advice for both our big picture and the detail using NLP and an idea from the book ‘Think and Grow Rich’ creating your own Master Mind group. I’ll even give an example of how use the process and even how Walt Disney did also.
I go around the houses a bit so you may need Jenny Journal to take notes and imagine more ways you can stay on track and move harmoniously in achieving long and short term Goals.
Check out the accompanying hypnosis track at www.paulcloughonline.com/podcast – it’s free!
Shine brightly
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About The Author: Admin
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