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Your Hero’s Journey – a supportive ramble unplugged podcast

This adventure of personal development is your own hero’s journey as depicted in Joseph’s Cambell’s book and sometimes we forget this and when obstacles come and get in our way, even blindside us, we can think about giving up.

It’s time to remember that you are the HERO in this adventure and you will grow and succeed and that’s where this podcast goes back into my past. The past I had tended to forget and I hadn’t realised I have been working on myself way before my introduction to hypnosis and NLP. It was good to re-remember this adventure and the teachers that came along. I’ll tell you all about this and the effects on me and how each step that took me in leaps and bounds to where I am now. And……. it’s not finished yet because if you haven’t realised whilst you will return home from this Hero’s Journey/Adventure you simply begin another. That’s the great thing about embarking, once your in it your in it for life and it will be awesome! :0)

Even if you don’t know your vision for being here, your passions and your missions they will unfold along the way.

So here’s my encouragement to you to carry on with a passion!

Shine brightly


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