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A simple step to get your dreams

Every adventure starts with a first step and reaching and realising your dreams is no different.
If we were to look back at our previous results, how did we fair in achieving our dreams?
Did we fail? Well we got results if not what we really wanted. If you learn from these results and never give up you can and will get there 🙂
We may need to look a little deeper into what we did that didn’t work and be honest with the amount of energy you put into getting your dream.

Here’s a way to engage loads of energy into a specific and smaller part of your dream. Real intense effort over a short amount of time and banish procrastination and overwhelm. Once you have taken that small step the next one will just follow on. One small action step followed by the next until you reach your goal or dream. If you need more let me know and we’ll expand in a loner podcast – email me paul@paulclough.co.uk

There’s also a NLP/hypnosis track that goes with this and you can get it ( and some 20 other tracks for free)
at paulcloughonline.com/podcast.
Shine brightly

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