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Things I personally don’t like about myself -Unplugged podcast

Courage begets courage – That’s what I heard Terry Crews say. It was a bit of a throw away line that just stuck in by head and got me thinking. If the above is true then – The Emotions we are feeling right now create more of the same and if we’re really honest with ourselves, what we’re feeling right now began before this.

I go in to so much in this unplugged podcast I really suggest you take a note or two or even listen more than once. I really hope you enjoy this slightly longer in depth type of episode ( I’d love your feed back )

If we’re not feeling we want we have to be honest that we haven’t got it yet. This seemed to tie inĀ  a little from the previous podcast #87 My Armour.

I started looking at the way I feel and behave that I don’t like and I get a little more personal in my sharing of me and also how I experienced going well out of my comfort zone and learnt so much about me. I used my ‘Jenny Journal’ to explore this and I’ll share what I found.

From all of this we’ll go on to share how to explore our negative beliefs, the negative emotions we feel and the associated negative behaviours which if the emotions we feel create more of the same is true then we need to learn how to change them.

I’ll show you how and to understand the positive intention that attached to these beliefs, emotions and behaviours and how we can change them without changing the core positive intention. Seems complicated but it really isn’t when you listen and keep your journal close by for notes, I think you will need to as I go into quite a lot of ‘stuff’ (technical Unplugged personal development term). I’ll even show you ways how, when you understand intention, you can find better, positive and empowering new ways which when you have them in your life gets you to feel good and in turn sets of those positive feeling to ‘beget’ more and more of the same – Yay!

Remember we have both hypnosis and the NLP process of finding your intention and setting your state that I believe will really help you to make this even easier.

In conclusion:

It’s amazing what you can learn when you stop …… and explore and decide how you want to be …….. and you can change easily and effortlessly.

Nothing changes in your life – If you don’t change first – and you can!
Shine brightly

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