Personal Development Unplugged issue #10
Hopefully you find this is a thoughtful podcast and in some small way inspires you to take time to think.
Recently this has been a time when I have noticed in my life how much time I send considering. I hear other thinkers talk of their thoughts and considerations of what’s behind say, a writers words, the intention, the consequence or the alternatives.
All this made me think how little time so many of us, me being one of the biggest, jump in with an opinion etc. without fully knowing more or even taking time to think before reacting.
One of my thoughts or time being still and thinking gave rise to a wonder. An I wonder.
What would the world be like if we all took time to consider our actions, intentions of both ourselves and others and maybe even took the time to ask or explain? Hmmm… love this thinking business ;0)
Here’s the podcast (Oh! and remember you can can subscribe direct in iTunes Personal Development Unplugged – Paul Clough , and you can share or leave a review) Feed back is most welcome below or email me via the contact bit up on the right.
About The Author: Admin
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