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Developing pleasure and reducing pain

This sharing came from a tiny thought I had in my Journal this morning, which tome is amazing. Reducing pain, emotional pain of supposedly failures (I don’t believe in – No pain No gain) and allowing the pleasure of achieving who we really are to flourish and create a world that will make you shout it from the metaphorical roof tops. :0)

I’ve taken a little bit more that 5 minute of your time but I think when you listen you will know it’s been worth it. I talk about what I discovered about myself and my not achieving what I want and come up with a process that allows us to learn from the pain of not doing without ever having to feel it or go through it. It’s also so simple which to me is the measure of genius – not me, the process! I’ve even offered to record the process separately if you want it – all you have to is let me know through email or twitter ( see below for the links).

It all starts from that experience of saying or thinking to ourselves “IF ONLY”. You really need to listen because I honestly think the information and process here could change you life and the results you achieve – in effect create that reality you dream of – That’s a BIG claim Paul

Shine brightly

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