The 5 minute quickie podcast – A mind palace with or without hypnosis
Inspired by the notes in the back of Hypnotherapy book and Sherlock Holmes.
I’d always wanted to create an inner sanctuary, a quiet place, I could go to and think and I created one in the garden of my previous homes. I called it ‘My Quiet place’ and I would go there to write and think and be with myself. Then I was inspired to create a set of hypnosis tracks that take you, your unconscious mind and your imagination on an adventure of creating an inner mind palace or inner mind sanctuary. It’s available at
And then I thought it would be nice to share as a process you could play with and have to choice to do this by yourself or let me guide you in hypnosis. It’s fun whichever way you go.
If you are concerned – It’s not a hard sell podcast, that’s something I hate and feel duped when someone has tried to mislead me. I believe you will find this podcast interesting and something of value in it’s own right. I really hope you do. Let me know as honest feedback of any kind is greatly appreciated.
Shine brightly
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About The Author: Admin
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