Excuses – You’re a fool if ya think ya fooling you – a podcast

We all make excuses not to do the things we want to do – don’t we? I know I do
The thing is they are excuses and they are BS.

Let me out myself and my excuses I used to tell myself and let’s see if they resonate.
It’s only when you actually listen to them you realise there’s more to it and when you really listen you can decide to ignore the excuse and start doing that stuff you have been putting off. The result – it’s magical and the growth is magical and we begin to create things magical in our life!

Come on let’s shine a light on what we want, why we want it and do them. Let’s take responsibility.

I’ll, as usual, give you a few ways you can change this procrastination, be accountable to ourselves.
Let’s have a look at rituals, not the dark satanic ones (that’s another podcast – not) and make things simple so things just happen.

Let’s look at the things you and I do that, when we do them, we re totally on the effect side and how by simply observing them we can use that learning to take responsibility and more than that take action on getting what you want.

When we do start taking this responsibility you will begin to see the massive jumps in your progress in and around everything you do – as I continually say you will never know how far the ripples of change go.

Please have a listen and then set your intention on doing the things that are important to you
Shine brightly
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