Where there’s hope there’s fear – let’s use it!! – podcast
There is no such thing as false hope! That’s my belief – hope is hope and is better than no hope at all.
I’ve been up at night thinking about this and the differences of hope and how it effects us all.
You can’t always be sure with hope but it really helped me in my early days of being a hypnotherapist and because of that hope that I had set me up to experience what I am able to do and believe now in my therapy work.
Let’s also talk about how fear follows hope, this was brought to my mind by a person of long ago – Senica the stoic
and it’s all to do with uncertainty.
As usual we’ll go through ways we can work with hope and fear, processes that will change the way you think and hope and to create a real foundation we can build upon. What do really hope for yourself? let’s use this too.
We will also look how our beliefs can support hope and understand the positive intention behind negative beliefs. Understanding the intention can be the change you need right now.
Shine brightly
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About The Author: Admin
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