The Faking and power posing BS podcast

Have you heard about power posing? What’s your power posture?
Use these and you’re faking it but you won’t make it because you’ll be found out!
Let’s have a look, a chat  and a listen at what you can do and how you can be the real YOU.
I’ll share with you my experiences, my misconceptions and my learnings that I hope will serve you, help you to love being you and sharing the real you because you’re the only one who can.
My aim here is to get you to shine and I’ll share with you ways to do that because when we all shine our ‘specialness’ ( a Cloughie word) the whole world gets brighter and lighter. You may have to be a little vulnerable but that’s okay and I do suggest you get ‘Jenny Journal’ ready.

Please enjoy and you will Shine
Paul     @pcloughie (twitter)
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