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All the best people do it

Yes they do – the most successful people in the world today JOURNAL
That’s right the sit down and write – do they do it all the same way? absolutely not but they do take time out of their day to journal their feelings/goals/projects/gratitude, you name it and it’l be part of someones journaling adventure.

There’s a whole big business out there selling lovely coloured and shiny journals which look lovely, feel good and……….. that’s about it for me. They seem to include everything you could ever imagine and All on ONE page and this for me personally is just to much in a small area. They don’t seem to give you enough room to really express yourself.

So why his podcast subject now? Well I was asked a question by a listener of how I did my journaling because it wasn’t happening for them with one of those glossy, pretty journal.

So here let me explain what I do and just how many different journals I use and how I use them. This is not the only way to journal but it is my way and I hope this will inspire you to both journal and be creative to find the right way for you.

Shine brightly

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